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Rocky Portland Lace-to-Toe Waterproof Duty Boots
Product InfoGuaranteed ROCKY Waterproof Construction Rocky Outdoor Gear is a world leader in rugged outdoor and occupational footwear. The Rocky goal to provide quality outdoor and occupational footwear has not changed since the doors opened over 70 years ago. Most known for their outdoor boots, Rocky also has a wide array of boots in other categories including Rocky work boots, Rocky western boots, Rocky duty boots, and Rocky hiking boots.
There have been many upgrades in technology over time allowing for better products from Rocky. One of the key technology changes has been in waterproof constructions.
Rocky 8” Waterproof stock # 2080 work boot is made with a waterproof construction that combines a waterproof inner layer with the upper providing a barrier that helps keep water out and feet dry.
The 2080 work boot also has a leather and 1000 denier nylon combination upper for those seeking the lighter feature offered by the nylon material.
An additional key comfort feature of Rocky stock # 2080 is its contoured removable insole that provides direct underfoot cushioning.
Another key feature of Rocky 2080 is its high quality rubber Vibram lug outsole for durability.
Rugged on the outside and comfortable on the inside to help the Rocky Portland work boot handle the environment while helping your feet handle long hours at work. | |||||