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Rocky Fort Hood Zipper Waterproof Duty BootProduct InfoFull-Grain Waterproof Polishable Leather and 1200 Denier Cordura Rocky Outdoor Gear is a world leader in rugged occupational footwear. The Rocky goal to provide quality outdoor and occupational footwear has not changed since the doors opened over 70 years ago. Most known for its outdoor boots, Rocky also has a wide array of hiking boots in other categories including Rocky work boots, Rocky western boots, Rocky duty boots, and Rocky hiking boots.
There have been many upgrades in technology over time allowing for better Rocky products. This has helped open the door to some excellent Rocky production additions including 8” Rocky Soft Toe Work Boot stock # 2149.
You should also be aware that the 2149 work boot has the additional feature of a side zipper in case it might be desired for easy on & off purposes.
If you are looking for a 8” lightweight comfortable service work boot with a uniform appearance, the Rocky 2149 may be just what you are seeking. | |||