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Rocky Women's Waterproof Blizzard Stalker Boot
Product Info1200 grams of Thinsulate Insulation Rocky Outdoor Gear is a world leader in rugged outdoor and occupational footwear. The Rocky goal to provide quality outdoor and occupational has not changed since the doors opened over 70 years ago. Most known for their outdoor boots, Rocky also has a wide array of boots in other categories including Rocky work boots, Rocky western boots, Rocky duty boots, and Rocky hiking boots.
There have been many upgrades in technology over time allowing for better Rocky products. This has helped open the door to some excellent production additions including 10” Rocky Waterproof Insulated Blizzard Stalker Work Boot stock # 4465.
One of the key features of the women’s 4465 work boot is its Rocky Waterproof construction. It combines a waterproof inner layer with the upper providing a barrier that helps keep water out and feet dry.
The Rocky Blizzard Stalker stock # 4465 also has 1,200 grams of Thinsulate Ultra insulation to help keep feet warm.
If you are looking for a women’s heavily insulated waterproof outdoor boot for either work or play, the Rocky 4465 may be just what you are seeking. | |||||