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Rocky AlphaForce Waterproof CompositeToe Duty Boot
Product InfoBlack Airport Footbed Provides Support and Cushioning Rocky Outdoor Gear is a world leader in rugged outdoor and occupational footwear. The Rocky goal is to provide quality outdoor and occupational footwear has not changed since the doors opened over 70 years ago. Most known for their outdoor boots, Rocky has a wide array of boots in other categories including Rocky work boots, Rocky western boots, Rocky duty boots, and Rocky hiking boots.
There have been many upgrades in technology over time allowing for better Rocky products.
One of the key features of Rocky stock # 6167 is its non-metallic composite toe cap. The combination of this toe cap along with the other features of 6167 allows this style to meet the highest ASTM F2413-05 Protective Toe footwear standards for Impact & Compression resistance.
An additional feature of the 6167 Work Boot is its Rocky Waterproof construction. It combines a waterproof inner layer with the upper providing a barrier that helps keep water out and feet dry.
A key comfort feature of the 6167 is its contoured removable polyurethane cushion insole providing direct underfoot cushion comfort. The polyurethane material used in its insole is known for its cushioning while not bottoming out features. Some open celled foams feel very comfortable to the initial touch, but will tend to break down faster than a product made with polyurethane. Plus, it is extra thick in the heel contact area. This provides additional underfoot comfort to the wearer.
In addition to meeting the highest ASTM F2413-05 Impact & Compression standards, Rocky stock # 6167 also complies with its Electrical Hazard standards. This type of work boot is made with insulating bottoms providing secondary electrical hazard protection to those areas dealing with open circuits under dry conditions, but also can be worn in work areas requiring only basic protective toe work boots. | |||||